John Jeong

John Jeong

Co-founder, Team Lead @ Pado

Week 22 report - 2024

🌊41.80% of 2024 has passed. * Opening the pre-seed round for Pado, and we are going to incorporate in the following two months. * Got a wow experience from our tester. Guess we'

Week 21 report - 2024

🌊39.89% of 2024 has passed. We won 5M KRW! Now, we can change Dylan's MacBook which started to lag about two weeks ago. By the way, mine was in similar

Week 20 report - 2024

🌊37.98% of 2024 has passed. Disclaimer: Today's my birthday and I'm at the office. Guess this is how startups roll. I'm not feeling depressed or anything

Week 19 report - 2024

🌊36.07% of 2024 has passed. First word: Time. I don't know how time flies so fast when you're doing a startup. You wake up Monday morning, you get

Week 18 report - 2024

🌊34.15% of 2024 has passed. Spent the past week implementing what we've learned from UT #5. I suddenly came to realize that chat sucks. As a UX person this kind