Week 15 report - 2024

Week 15 report - 2024
Pado - Alleviate Humanity from Non-Essentials
28.42% of 2024 has passed.

WOW. Time flies when you're having fun! It's already close to a third of this year. I can't wait to see what we will have achieved by the end of the year.

Okay, back to business. This week was kind of a big week for us. We have made drastic changes to TalkToDART and started talking about our development plan for ASQ, which led to some intense debates.

We are now on the brink of launching TalkToDART. Dylan has made enormous advancements with the whole RAG pipeline, and Pierre has been utilizing his prior expertise as a fund manager to prompt engineer the initial process, when the agent becomes aligned with the user and decomposes it into sub-tasks.

We adjusted our target market from fund managers to people who dislike but use DART. So, I redesigned the whole UX since we have to make a web version of the product. I thought about making the user able to create new chats for separating tasks. But personally, I really don't enjoy the overall experience of creating and navigating through different workspaces.

This is a mock demo for TalkToDART v0.3 which will be released in the upcoming week.

When you're having a conversation with TalkToDART, and by extension, ASQ, you should feel like you're interacting with a super intelligent copilot. You don't pop up multiple terminals; there's only one. You don't ask for help from a friend through numerous chats; there's only one. It's a legacy convention that has been entangled with traditional software, which needs to be innovated with these agents. So, I decided to go with a single workspace for talking to the agent. But who knows, I might revoke this decision.

We had some intense talks over how we're going to unfold business but came to an agreement that we are going to expand our spectrum of modules starting from Google. It was fierce, and Yujong, founder of Fastrepl, who sits next to us, moved away for that time being. (We're sorry, bro. By the way, he's working on an amazing product. Be sure to check it out.)

Everyone at Pado has diverse viewpoints on the same topics, and oh boy, everyone has a firm stance on them. We sometimes need time to understand others. We sometimes need patience to listen to others speak. I guess we're still learning about the world, our users, and also each other.

There is still much to be learned.

Another fascinating week is about to begin! We'll see you next week for more exciting news about our progress.

John Jeong

John Jeong

Co-founder, Team Lead @ Pado
Seoul, Korea