Week 17 report - 2024

Week 17 report - 2024
Pado: Alleviate Humanity from Non-Essentials
32.51% of 2024 has passed.
Disclaimer: Like I stated from last week's report, an invitation will be going to those who are subscribing this newsletter. But there is a test for you! Please contact john@padocorp.com for the task :P

Phew! We finished our UT for v0.3 of TalkToDART and it has been hell of a ride. I always have fun testing users but it drains a lot of energy. I recruited testers about 4 days before the UT and screened them to make sure they were on point with our bullseye customer.

The testers were allocated to time slots from 10AM to 4PM.

UT schedule

In the meantime, I studied about how to conduct a good research before going into action. I recommend this video by Michael Margolis, a UX Research Partner at Google Ventures.

It's really pure gold

Test day came and I greeted testers and sat by them and started asking questions and eventually came to our product, which Michael indicates that it should called a "prototype" so testers can be more critical.

Screenshot of UT (fyi. This user didn't want his face being recorded)

Tests went well. I learned really a ton. I have been wondering about a lot of other stuff lately, but I realized again that my heart is spending time with users.

Now, we retrospected upon the test and started designing version 0.4 of TalkToDART. It's confidential at the moment but we'll be able to release it before the open beta test on May 20th.

Another fascinating week is about to begin! We'll see you next week for more exciting news about our progress.

John Jeong

John Jeong

Co-founder, Team Lead @ Pado
Seoul, Korea