Week 18 report - 2024

34.15% of 2024 has passed.

Spent the past week implementing what we've learned from UT #5. I suddenly came to realize that chat sucks. As a UX person this kind of shocked me because had I done UT #4 myself we could have saved up to a month. But other than the interface the RAG engine has made drastic improvements so maybe it was worth it.

Now, I introduce you to TalkToDART v0.4, your personal corporate analysis workspace. It will feel just like Notion AI except it's for analyzing companies.

Recently, I've been feeling a bit low on energy, which has led me to reflect on our business from an outsider's perspective. I realize that we need a clearer and more easily understandable way to describe what Pado's core product is and what we are creating. When someone asks, "What does your company do? What kind of product do you make?" we should have a concise, 15-second answer that effectively communicates our value proposition and convinces the listener. I thought I had one but thinking back, it can be better.

As I contemplate this, I find myself thinking that, given our current trajectory, we are essentially building a financial information service. This realization has led me to believe that outsiders, particularly investors, might perceive our competitors to be platforms like Bloomberg Terminal and Capital IQ. Although we currently operate in the B2C space and may not directly compete with these companies, I can't help but feel reluctant to accept this positioning as a financial information service provider.

It's crucial for us to clearly define our product and its unique value proposition in a way that distinguishes us from other players in the market. We need to articulate how our offering is different and why it is superior to existing solutions. By doing so, we can better communicate our vision to potential investors, customers, and other stakeholders, ensuring that they understand our true potential and the innovative nature of our product.

Moving forward, it's essential that we take the time to refine our messaging and positioning strategy. We must identify the key aspects of our product that set us apart and develop a compelling narrative around them. This will not only help us attract the right investors and customers but also provide clarity and direction for our team as we continue to grow and evolve.

Another fascinating week is about to begin! We'll see you next week for more exciting news about our progress.

John Jeong

John Jeong

Co-founder, Team Lead @ Pado
Seoul, Korea